
How do people usually begin these things? Ah screw it. I’m making my own rules.

Hello to whoever is reading this! I wonder what kind of tone I’m putting off right now…people always sound so different over the internet…Anywho, if ya can’t tell already, this is my first blog. Why should you care? Most probably won’t, but I’m hoping to reach maybe a few of you out there.  Whether that be one or one million, it would give my life some real meaning. I named my blog “Ramblez” because as you can see, I run off on tangents and most of the time forget what I was talking about in the first place.

Okay…time to focus.

Let me start by telling you a little about myself. You can call me by my username, awake93.

I’m choosing to keep my identity anon, particularly because I want all focus on my words, and the thought behind them. I just recently started writing again, solely to record my thoughts and feelings, for myself. It’s a way to organize and get it all out, which helps me understand myself, and the world as I see it. It’s also much easier to hold onto the crazy amount of thought constantly racing around in my head. The worst feeling is to lose or forget a thought you feel passionately about.

As you already know, thanks to my oh so clever username, I’m 20 years of age (not that it’s relevant)…and I’m also a female. Other than that, I see no need in explaining anything along those lines further. All of that is shallow, really. I’m here to create some depth! Share my most personal inner thoughts and questions, but most importantly, provoke thought in that brain of yours.

Let’s jump on in.

My life was put into perspective when I experienced a moment of true self realization, which changed everything for me. It changed the way I think, and see the world… It changed me. I realized that for so long I walked through life asleep. Accepting what is, as fucked up as it is, and not even thinking to question it. Living in my own little world, full of meaningless, insignificant crap. I always had this sense of emptiness, and never understood why, up until this experience. I’ll go further into depth in future posts, but you get the general gist of it.

As a result, I strive to be open minded, and positive, while at the same time realistic. I welcome all experiences as a challenge and new way of growth. I battle my old, negative ways of thinking everyday, and always question. I do all of this to become someone who is well equipped and ready to take on the world…this empty, corrupt, soon to be doomed, damn beautiful, world. This world needs help, guys.

Wake up.
